Brain Hurting Fanfic Pairer

In the mood for some odd fanfic pairings? This'll meet all your needs, and quite a few non-needs. All creations mentioned are copyright(c), trademarked(tm) and soforth their individual owners. No infringement on existing copyright is intended. Not responsible whatsoever for the results or any reactions they cause.

Your Options:
Agent Sands (Once Upon a Time in Mexico)/Izumi Maki (Nadesico)
Annie Mack (The Secret World of Alex Mack)/Captain Fluellen (Henry V)
Ayame (Fruits Basket)/Eleanor of Acquitaine
Benjamin Braddock (The Graduate)/Captain Cronos
Blair Warner (The Facts of Life)/Thursday Next (Jasper Fforde books)
Box #6 (Metal Gear Solid)/Mike (Something Positive)
Captain Pullings (Master and Commander)/Charlie (Dead Like Me)
David Todros (Amelia Peabody Mysteries)/Mr. K (Gravitation)
Dwight (Sin City)/Jonathan Levinson (BtVS)
Elrond (LOTR)/The Escapist (The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay)
Harper Pitt (Angels in America)/Harpo Marx (Marx Brothers)
Jennifer Lopez/Brad Crawford (Weiss Kreuz)
Justin (Secret of NIMH)/Ben Trask (Necroscope series)
Kai (Lexx)/Yuna (Final Fantasy 10)
Kryten (Red Dwarf)/Jonas Quinn (Stargate SG-1)
Master Chief (Halo)/Laura (American Gods)
Nathan Algren (Last Samurai)/Bowser (Super Mario games)
Nicolae Carpathia (Left Behind)/Anamaria (PotC)
Professor Lodz (Carnivale)/Ra's al Ghul (Batman Begins)
Sagara (Full Metal Panic)/The Emcee (Cabaret)
Suzy Turquoise Blue (Keys to the Kingdom)/Rufus (Dogma)
Takatori Mamoru (Weiss Kreuz Gluhen)/Daniel Boone
The Gray Lady (HP)/Ajax (Troy)
Xion (Bloody Roar: Primal Fury)/Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell (Stargate SG-1)
Yuuki (Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki)/Yue (CCS)


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