
Need a story idea with symbolism? This is the place to come! Plots, stories, and concepts related to all sorts of symbolic possibilites are waiting for you!

Your Options:
The action-packed story about starship navigators where the characters map to the four Jungian mental capacities (Feeling-Thinking-Intuition-Sensation).
The allegorical road trip story where the character evolution maps to kinds of spices.
The dark story where the space colonies map to the knights of the Round Table.
The detective story where the locations map to styles of music.
The epic story where the seas map to the fourteen meridians of acupuncture.
The high seas adventure where each ship maps to the twelve Olympians of Greecian Legend.
The light-hearted adventure story where the chapters map to the seven wonders of the ancient world.
The light-hearted story set in a world where the punishments for crime map to the four Jungian mental capacities (Feeling-Thinking-Intuition-Sensation).
The revenge story where the locations map to the five Chinese Elements (water-wood-fire-earth-metal).
The slice-of-life story where the races map to the seven Biblical days of creation.
The space exploration story where each planet visited maps to the thirty-eight slots of a Roulette wheel.
The story about beggars where the characters' deaths map to the fifty-two playing cards.
The story about herbologists where the characters' deaths map to angels.
The story about occultists where the characters map to the Archangels of the Four Corners (Michael-Raphael-Gabriel-Uriel).
The story about pharmacists where the characters map to the Seven Virtues (chastity-moderation-liberality-charity-meekness-zeal-humility).
The story about planetary explorers where the main character moods map to the four cardinal directions (north-south-east-west).
The story involving a computer system whose components map to the Ten Marytrs of Judaism.
The story set in a world where the crimes recognized by the legal system map to the nine days Odin hung from an ash tree.
The story where the diseases map to the five tastes (sweet-salty-sour-bitter-savory).
The swashbuckling story where the avatars of a god map to the two tablets of the Ten Commandments.


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