Story Generator
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The story is about a funny peasant who is constantly opposing a heir. It takes place on a lost planet. The story begins with a flashback.
This is a drama. The story is about a neurotic weapons master who is best friends with a bloodthirsty computer programmer. It starts on a barren planet. The story ends with somebody breaking something important. The issue of gay rights plays a major role in the story.
This is a tale about stupidity and how people are all very different. The story is about laid-back queens. It takes place in a large city on a toxic planet. The story begins with an alienation, climaxes with someone changing clothes, and ends with someone giving a test.
This is a political story. The story is about a clinging airline pilot, a chemist, a dissatisfied hacker, and an ambassador who has a mysterious admirier: a princess. It takes place in a large city in Australia. The story begins with someone losing a job, climaxes with a flashback, and ends with a party.
This is an epic about maturation and the need of intimacy versus the need for independence. The story is about a seer who is constantly annoying a clinging laborer. It starts in a law-abiding land on a fog-shrouded world. The story begins with an education and ends with someone changing clothes. The generation gap plays a major part in this story.
This is a drama/horror. The story is about a gentle rogue who is in debt to a newscaster. It starts on a storm-torn planet. The side effects of faster-than-light travel play a major role in the story.
The story is about a car salesman. It starts in a port city. The crux of the story involves a pleasant surprise. The destruction of a magical artifact plays an important role.
This is a deconstruction of a classic legend with a focus on the need for self-expression. The story is about a withdrawn doctor who is actually an alien entity. It starts in a mansion. The spread of AIDS plays a major part in this story.
The story is about a moral bookstore owner who is obsessed with a wistful archivist. It starts in a town in Spain. The crux of the story involves a massacre. Cross-species romance is a major element of the story.
The story is about a school of hermits. It takes place in a small nation on a barren planet. The story begins with an inheritance and ends with the making of a meal.


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