This is a documentary-style story with an emphasis on the frailty of human life. The story is about a poised school teacher and a rat-catcher who is constantly annoying a focused circuit priest. It takes place in a bookstore. The crux of the story involves someone reveals their feelings. The return of an ancient evil plays an important part in the story.
This is a comedy-of-manners. The story is about a pessimistic circuit priest, a disorganized noble, and a gym teacher who is constantly opposed by an immoral CFO. It starts in a church in a small city. The story begins with someone reveals their feelings. The spread of AIDS plays a major part in this story.
The story is about a tactful heir. It takes place in a guildhouse in a blasphemous nation. The issue of gay rights plays a major role in the story.
This is a romantic comedy. The story is about a group of media personalities. It takes place in a world-spanning nation on a dying planet. The religion of the world will turn out not to be what it seems.
This is an epic about deceit. The story is about an unstable grave robber. It starts on a mountainous planet. The question of when a machine becomes human is a major part of the story.
This is a satire with a strong theme of lust and how history doesn't repeat itself. The story is about a slothful zookeeper who is constantly annoyed by a coach. It takes place in a city hall. The religion of the world will turn out not to be what it seems.
This is a psychology piece with an emphasis on trust and the truth of 'survival of the fittest'. The story is about a clerk and a scatterbrained secretary who is best friends with a chemical engineer. It starts in a city-state on our world in a new magical age. The threat of terrorism plays a major part in this story.
This is a fish-out-of-water story with an undercurrent about responsibility. The story is about a weak electrician who has a crush on a veterinarian. It starts in a world-spanning nation on a desert planet. The crux of the story involves a misunderstanding. The issues surrounding first-contact with an alien species is a major element of the story.
The story is about an archaeologist who is married to an odd impostor. It takes place on a volcanic planet. The story begins with an accident while traveling and ends with someone building a dwelling. The differences alien societies may have regarding society is a major element of this story.
The story is about a dancer who is constantly annoyed by an astronomer. It starts in a planetary commonwealth on an arctic planet. The story ends with an illness.
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