Writing Challenge Generator
Your Options:
The story must have a hamster at the end.
The story starts during a charity event. The story takes place in mid-winter. During the story, there is an economic crisis. The story must have a rat at the beginning. A character becomes joyous during the story.
The story must involve a battleaxe at the end.
A character eavesdrops. A character becomes sick during the story. The story must have a mermaid in it. The story must involve a glove at the end. The story ends during a holiday ceremony.
The story must have a demon in it.
The story must have a zombie at the beginning. The story must involve a whip in the beginning. A character kills someone, but the action goes terribly wrong. A character becomes attracted to someone during the story. During the story, a character misunderstands someone.
The story starts on a boat. The story takes place in mid-summer. During the story, an important item or piece of equipment fails. The story must have a troll in it. A character is enraged throughout most of the story.
A character becomes deceptive during the story. During the story, a character drinks something that disagrees with them. The story starts during a concert. The story takes place in mid-spring. During the story, someone gets away with a crime.
The story takes place in the late morning. A character buys a house, but it is done for different reasons than people would expect. A character becomes controlling during the story. During the story, a character is in a vehicular accident.
The story ends in/on a volcano. The story takes place a year into the future. During the story, a kidnapping occurs.


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