Kaiju Generator

Who doesn't love giant stompy monsters, from Godzilla to Mothra to more? This generator is to help people make their own Kaiju.

Let's face it, those cities aren't going to step on THEMSELVES.

Your Options:
The enormous many-armed sphere of liquid that fires lasers from its eyes. It comes from another dimension. It protects its mysterious life source.
The gigantic radioactive lump of neural tissue. It reached Earth travelling on a passing asteroid. It protects its territory.
The huge slimy wolf-squid. It reached Earth travelling on a passing asteroid. It protects its territory.
The gigantic crystaline saurian beast. It came from the past. It mindlessly seeks someone to give it orders.
The huge snake-shark that has a devestating roar. It hatched from a giant egg. It despises humanity.
The enormous radioactive cone of dark magic. It comes from the north pole. It seeks to protect humanity.
The huge crystaline plesiosaur that teleports. It came from a mysterious island. It protects its territory.
The gigantic single-eyed blob of stone that teleports. It comes from the north pole. It mindlessly seeks someone to give it orders.
The enormous mountain of smog that has a devestating roar. It comes from another world. It protects its territory.
The enormous spike-covered dragon-moth that fires lasers from its eyes. It comes from another dimension. It protects its territory.
The enormous multi-eyed mountain of stone. It used to live in the sun. It protects its territory.
The enormous spike-covered tiger-hawk that projects strange rays as weapons. It comes from the north pole. It is protective of one specific human that has a strange bond with it.
The huge wolf that adsorbs the life force of all that get near it. It is the last survivor of a lost species. It is the tool of a secret government agency.
The gigantic tarantula-snake that gives off radiation. It comes from another world. It is protective of one specific human that has a strange bond with it.
The huge spine-covered plesiosaur-tarantula. It comes from the south pole. It protects its territory.


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