The unathletic priestess.
The driven, cruel trader.
The unhealthy, unethical businessperson who can't resist a fight.
The plain acrobat who is estranged from family members.
The boastful gambler.
The healthy lawman.
The awkward trader who can't resist helping people.
The pessimistic, self-righteous teacher who is a complete fraud.
The assassin who is dependent on medication.
The poised politician who had a near-death experience that changed them significantly.
The confident, tolerant priestess from a small family.
The sleazy comic who seems insane.
The unathletic, industrious fence.
The enduring, charismatic prospector who hopes to be the best in his/her profession.
The athletic fence.
The awkward trader who hates children.
The graceful, just, unpopular bandit who seems insane.
The optimistic mentor escpaing the past.
The clumsy, misguided priest.
The striking, greedy sailor.
The healthy actor searching for employment.
The aged, moralistic, open-minded leader who is a complete fraud.
The serene, popular gambler with an unexpected destiny.
The rogue who suffers from a chronic medical condition.
The tough, puerile, awkward musician with little money.
The broken-hearted, domineering assassin.
The agile, vicious inventor with a lot of friends.
The self-righteous gambler.
The promiscuous leader.
The unathletic servant.
The wily, persuasive lawman who is seeking meaning in life.
The hunter who seems insane.
The popular miner searching for a lost friend.
The plain hunter who is estranged from family members.
The hysterical, nurturing official searching for employment.
The cruel assassin searching for a family member.
The miserly, broken-hearted servant.
The confident bartender with a large fortune.
The studious smuggler from a small family.
The disillusioned, boastful sailor.
The distant, self-righteous beggar who loves children.
The weak, distant, promiscuous hero hiding a dark secret.
The healthy trader.
The unathletic, wily spy.
The weak, boastful acrobat.
The boastful, self-righteous merchant with an odd birthmark.
The mysterious, humble hero.
The unhappy explorer.
The brave mercenary who fears the future.
The crippled, nice, manipulative servant.
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