History Scrambler

Lets face it, sometimes you find inspiration looking back at historical figures and imagining them in other times or imagining people like them. So for those moments - or just for inspiration - this generator lets you imagine some of the famous people of history as classic fictional types . ..

Your Options:
Abigail Adams - Paranormal Investigator
Cleopatra - Fairytale Evil Queen
Abraham Lincoln - Boy Wonder
Hatshepsut - Girl Wonder
Eleanor of Aquataine - Black Ops Agent
Marilyn Monroe - Alchemist
Nicolai Tesla - Samurai
Karl Marx - Wizard
Beethoven - Post-Apocalyptic Hero
Mohammed - Racing Legend
Pythagoreas - Space Marine
Mary Shelly - Dragon-slayer
Annie Oakley - Heavy Metal Musician
Margaret Murray - Superheroine
Queen Elizabeth - Game Show Host
Susan B. Anthony - Movie Mogul
Margaret Murray - Luchadore
Mary Baker Eddy - Time Traveller
Aleister Crowley - Alien Abductee
Ghandi - Samurai
Marilyn Monroe - Samurai
Elpihas Levi - Pirate Captain
Beethoven - Space Explorer
Hypatia - Exotic Dancer
Emily Dickenson - Pirate Captain


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