Character Scrambler

Classic, archetypical, and just-plain overused characters and character concepts - scrambled to provide fresh new ideas.

Your Options:
The mysterious yet totally ineffective magical knight who has an unusual scar from an equally unusual incident.
The depressed police officer who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.
The beautiful nerd girl no one notices because she has glasses who somehow manages to be a superhero.
The loyal sidekick who is a reincarnated princess and who is the inheritor of a mysterious power.
The opinionated and strong-willed older woman who follows the protagonist anywhere.
The cheerful and flamingly gay man who tries to live up to their earlier success and who can see the future with erratic reliability.
The laid-back common man who fights crime as a vigilante.
The super-sexy female vampire who can't resist a party.
The hard working and ethical man who becomes a hero despite their reluctance and who is seeking True Love.
The strong-willed yet elegant Southern Belle who is persecuted by a government conspiracy and who keeps repeating themselves over and over.
The loveable cop who's true love is their ship.
The mysterious elderly wizard who has keen fashion sense and who guides the heroes on their quest.
The hard-nosed detective who is entangled in a conspiracy without their knowledge.
The wacky yet brilliant doctor whose loyalties are suspect and ever-shifting and who always gets into trouble.
The normal man who is actually quite insane and who gives all they have to save the world.


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