Supervillain Theme Generator

Ideas for Supervillain themes to inspire and amuse.

Your Options:
The punk guru of monsters.
The mutated emperor of disease.
The outcast murderer.
The embezzling emperess of aliens.
The artistic inhuman millionaire.
The city-dwelling data counterfeiter.
The sewer-dwelling wielder of fire.
The demonic emperess.
The chic monarch.
The suburban diabolic forger.
The clever infiltrating golem.
The popular impostor of the unworthy.
The fashionable taskmaster.
The mutant relic thief.
The upper-class prince of ideas.
The retro stalker of the destined.
The hellspawned mistress of stone.
The jungle-dwelling technology collector.
The otherworldly emperess of disease.
The spying artificially-created ringleader.


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Seventh Sanctum™, the page of random generators.

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