Super Ninja Generator

There are ninjas that are paragons of stealth - then there's the high-powered, superhuman, psychically gifted super ninjas of anime, manga, video games, and other media. So in the vein of Naruto™, Yu Yu Hakkusho™, and more, here's your source for super-powered Ninjas!.

Stealth is kinda optional here.

Your Options:
This indecisive ninja has a feminine build. His deep-set eyes are milky-white. He has purple hair worn in a practical style. His outfit includes huge kneepads. He uses an odd form of martial arts that emphasizes tormenting one's opponent and using submission holds. He is skilled in sprinting, lying, and cooking (which he uses in his combat techniques). He can create gravity.
This ruthless female ninja has a curvy build. Her hooded eyes are cherry red. She has iron-gray hair worn in a style that resembles a rooster's crest. She uses a honorable form of martial arts that emphasizes breaking an opponent's bones and using submission holds. She is skilled in tracking and salesmanship. She can transfer her soul to another body.
This snide kunoichi has a lean build. Her round eyes are yellow. She has green hair worn in a style that resembles a pile of leaves. She uses a honorable form of martial arts that emphasizes using the environment to one's advantage. Her preferred weapons are axes. She is skilled in pickpocketing and poetry (which she uses in her combat techniques). She uses her martial arts to produce shockwaves.
This friendly ninja is tall and has an athletic build. His hooded eyes are tangerine-colored. He has straight, orange hair worn in a style that resembles a shark's fin. His preferred weapons are swords. He is skilled in salesmanship, swimming, and cryptography. He has superhuman intuition.
This moral kunoichi has a leggy build. She has high cheekbones. Her almond-shaped eyes are tangerine-colored. She has brown hair worn in a straightforward style. She is skilled in mechanics, escape artistry, and deception. She can summon ancestral spirits.
This hypocritical kunoichi has a busty build. Her round eyes are turquoise. She has curly, shoulder-length, indigo hair. She uses an odd form of martial arts that emphasizes blows to vital organs. Her preferred weapon is a sword-breaker (which has the soul of a great ninja inside of it). She is skilled in herbology and impersonation. She can leave her body in astral form, yet affect the material world in limited ways.
This stressed kunoichi is tall and has an amazonian build. Her round eyes are purple. She has curly jade-colored hair. Her outfit includes includes a lot of mismatched pieces from other outfits. Her preferred weapon is a crossbow (which is made out of human body parts). She is skilled in interrogation and sign language. She can create toxins.
This wild female ninja is very tall and has an elegant build. She has scars on her arms. Her large eyes are burgandy. She has straight, shoulder-length, yellow hair worn in a silly style. Her outfit includes a pair of thigh-high boots. She uses a strange form of martial arts that emphasizes blows to vital organs. She is skilled in interrogation and dancing. She uses her martial arts to produce disruptions in time itself.
This biased ninja is very short and has a boyish build. His droopy eyes are pine-green. He has milky-white hair worn in a style that resembles a shark's fin. His outfits are bizarre. His preferred weapon is a bow. He is skilled in breakfall, astrology, and socializing. He can create sand (from an artifically created orfice).
This wistful ninja has a graceful build. His almond-shaped eyes are peach-colored. He has black hair worn in a style that resembles a lionfish's spines. His outfits are usually apricot-colored and include large earrings. He uses a brutal form of martial arts that emphasizes kicks. He is skilled in lying and cooking. He can use his mystical energies to increase his hearing.


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