Super Ninja Generator

There are ninjas that are paragons of stealth - then there's the high-powered, superhuman, psychically gifted super ninjas of anime, manga, video games, and other media. So in the vein of Naruto™, Yu Yu Hakkusho™, and more, here's your source for super-powered Ninjas!.

Stealth is kinda optional here.

Your Options:
This hateful female ninja is very tall and has a graceful build. She has large feet. Her slanted eyes are apple-green. She has neck-length ash-gray hair worn in an uncomplicated style. She uses a brutal form of martial arts that emphasizes duplicating the moves of one's opponent and using punches. Her preferred weapons are unusual weapons. She is skilled in concealment. She has superhuman intuition.
This mean-spirited kunoichi has a graceful build. Her large eyes are burgandy. She has straight, short, night-black hair worn in an elaborate style. She uses a straightforward form of martial arts that emphasizes kicks. Her preferred weapon is a garotte. She is skilled in painting. She can pass through plant life as if it were air.
This loudmouthed ninja is short and has a boyish build. His wide eyes are white. He has vermillion hair worn in a style that resembles a bird's wing. He uses a graceful form of martial arts that emphasizes turning an opponents' strength against them. His preferred weapons are bows. He is skilled in seduction. He can adsorb the mystical energies of others and use them to create snares.
This dispirited ninja is very tall and has a wide-chested build. He has piercings on his legs. His droopy eyes are green. He has beige hair. His outfits are usually sapphire and include a pair of thigh-high boots. His preferred weapons are swords. He is skilled in engineering, pole-vaulting, and deception (which he uses in his combat techniques). He can adsorb the mystical energies of others.
This disillusioned female ninja has an hourglass build. Her wide eyes are bone-white. She has rust-colored hair worn in a style that resembles a bale of hay. She uses a grueling form of martial arts that emphasizes killing one's opponent. Her preferred weapons are unusual weapons. She is skilled in breakfall and mechanics. Her saliva is actually a hallucinogenic substance.
This studious ninja has a graceful build. His lips are very thin. His deep-set eyes are white. He has brown hair worn in a style that resembles the rays of the sun. His outfits are plain and include a pair of gloves. His preferred weapon is a throwing knife. He is skilled in anatomy and comedy. He can summon and take on the traits of hawk-spirits.
This whiny ninja is very tall and has an overmuscled build. He has a weak chin. His narrow eyes are emerald. He has long red hair worn in a strange style. He uses a weird form of martial arts that emphasizes kicks. His preferred weapons are throwing weapons. He is skilled in trap-laying. He can summon and take on the traits of vampires.
This seasoned kunoichi is tall and has a curvy build. Her hands have long fingers. Her beady eyes are tangerine-colored. She has wavy, neck-length, brown hair worn in an artistic style. Her outfit includes an elaborate necklace. She uses a painful form of martial arts that emphasizes trips. Her preferred weapon is a shiv. She is skilled in veterinary care and debate. She create illusions and deicieve an individual.
This contemplative ninja is tall and has a lithe build. His hands have long fingers. His deep-set eyes are grass-green. He has pine-green hair worn in a style that resembles a comet's trail. His outfits are no-nonsense and include a face-concealing collar. He uses a strange form of martial arts that emphasizes using the environment to one's advantage. He is skilled in trap-laying, stealth, and deception (which he uses in his combat techniques). He can control gravity.
This grim kunoichi has a wide-hipped build. Her droopy eyes are emerald. She has obsidian hair. Her outfits are dignified and include a face-concealing hood. She uses a simple form of martial arts that emphasizes blows to vital organs. Her preferred weapons are axes. She is skilled in climbing and interior decorating (which she uses in her combat techniques). She can create air, shape the product, and control it.


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