Magic Guild Generator

Need some guilds for your various wizards, witches, and mages? This'll provide colorfully interesting names for them!

The names here are designed to be colorful, and were inspired by such media as 'Fairy Tail'.

Your Options:
Adamantine Acolyte Crew
Black Ettin Federation
Chanting Inquisitor Guild
Cobalt Staff Posse
Counsellor Alicorn Eight
Dashing Siren Guild
Demonic Mouse Guild
Dryad Inquisitor Organization
Empress Mummy Society
Enchanted Mantle Guild
Fox Miter Unit
Golem Soul Guild
Hermetic Scholar Congregation
Mysterious Medic Posse
Present Altar Guild
Resurrected Owl Guild
Sinister Charm Guild
Sphinx Heart Three-hundred
Succubus Queen Guild
Vampire Foot Guild


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