Dragon Breed Generator

Creates names for Dragon Breeds. 'Earth-setting' will make names for breeds in an earth setting, such as Harry Potter or AU stories. 'General Fantasy' will produce general breed names.

Your Options:
Atlantic Thickmaw
Australian Dwarf Bloodball
Austrian Black Thickscale
Bolivian Airstrike
Cantonese Ivory Waterhorn
Cantonese Needlescale Hopper
Colorful Terrorrage
Columbian Flyer
Diamond Braidhide
European Common Rubyfang
European Poisonstrike
French Broadfrilled Icefury
Furious Watermaw
Hungarian Sharptaloned Heavyfin
Indian Greatbone Howler
Indonesian Waterbone
Nigerian Stonebladed Spined
Puerto Rico Airmaw
Spiny Guardian
Spiny Heavysnout
Ugandan Fighting Oddbeak
Yugoslavian Large Stormer


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