Alien Race Generator

Descriptions of alien races as complex as you like them, from simple appearance to a complete backstory!

  • For simple physical descriptions, choose 'Description.'
  • Choose 'Detail' to get a cultural snapshots and 'extras' for the race.
  • Choose 'Complete' to get a complete profile of the race and their place in the universe.

Other generators you may like: Alien Race Name Generator
Your Options:
The green-hided race. Their sensitive whiskers provide powerful tactile senses. This race has relatively undeveloped limbs. They move at incredible speeds. By necessity, they are a race of merchants. Their economy is dependent on one technology: teleportation. Their government is a representative democracy. They are in decline. They come from a high-gravity, flourishing, mineral-poor world that has only a small area that is actual habitable by this species.
The elegant race of reptiles. They have powerful eyesight. They are carnivores. They have voracious appetites. They have elaborate mating displays. Their society is dependent on one technology: space travel. They are notoriously sloppy. The different genders of the species are very distinct physically. They come from a low-gravity, hot, resource-rich world that has no moon.
The bony-plated race. They are easily addicted to certain substances. Their homeworld destroyed, they are seeking to find a new one at any cost. There is another race they worship as gods. They come from a different level of reality.
The race that resembles the minotaurs of earth mythology. Many members of their species are explorers. Their major technical achievements are in faster-than-light travel. Their planet of origin is a world that has many rings surrounding it.
The skeletal race that resembles the angels of earth mythology. Their government is a theocracy. They are the descendants of another sentient race, but are a separate species.
The light-based, red-feathered race. They have compound eyes. This race moves bipedally. They are actually the embodiment of another, extra-dimensional being. They have more than two genders, which makes things rather complex. Their major technical achievements are in cloning. They are natural survivors. They are the descendants of another sentient race, but are a separate species.
The malformed race that resembles the unicorn of earth mythology. They have a strange sixth sense. They are omnivores, but prefer to be carnivorous. They can discharge energy as a natural weapon. By necessity, they are a race of doctors. Their economy is dependent on one technology: psychology. They are a growing empire. Their world of origin is resource-poor and has many rings surrounding it.
The race that resembles the trolls of earth mythology. They have multiple hearing organs. This race has highly specialized limbs for various uses. They move by crawling along the ground. They are herbivores. They have perfect memories The most revered members of their society are artists. They are masters of faster-than-light travel. They despise originality. They are the descendants of another sentient race, but are a separate species. They come from a high-gravity, watery, mineral-poor world that has many rings surrounding it and is known for its odd weather.
The gigantic, slime-covered race. They have an odd scent many races find attractive. They are a hermaphroditic race. Their major technical achievements are in botany. They are very literal. Their government is corrupt. They come from a low-gravity, desert-like, mineral-poor world.
The semi-liquid race. Many members of their species are warriors. Their major advancements are in virtual reality. They have no concept of subtlety. They are currently plotting to take over a star system-spanning government. Their world of origin is mineral-rich and has a single moon and several, broken rings surrounding it.


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