Vampire Generator

Vampires. They're popular in romance, games, anime, comics, and more. This generator will give you several options of vampires, from handsome anime hunks to feral monstrosities. For a tamer vampire, select 'regular', for more exotic ones select 'anime' or 'monstrous.'

Your Options:
This silly male vampire has slanted chocolate-colored eyes that always appear bloodshot, and that appear to be more set on the side of his head. His red hair actually acts as a kind of sensory organ, like a cat's whiskers. He is inhumanly tall and has a graceful build. His skin is ruddy. He has claw-like hands and feet. He has wings that are bony and ragged. When exposed to magic, he will disintegrate. His diet requires blood of females. His outfits are usually black.
This sensual female vampire has slitted umber eyes. Her thick, wavy, violet hair is medium-length and is worn in a complex, elegant style. She has a voluptuous build. Her red skin is more like an insect's carapace. She has a crooked nose and a pointed chin. She can turn into a rat. She doesn't suffer from standard vampiric disabilities.
This willfull vampire has droopy brown eyes that are like two tiger-eye gems. His thick, wavy, black hair is short and is worn in a practical style. He's got a beard and moustache. He is very short and has an athletic build. His skin is ruddy. He can turn into a whirlwind. He can enter the dreams of others. He has mild telekinesis. He can only travel along ley lines. His outfits are usually yellow.
This harried female vampire has slanted chocolate-colored eyes. Her fine, wavy, vermillion hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a pair of horns. She is tall and has a feminine build. Her skin is chocolate-brown. She can absorb flesh and blood from others to heal her body. She has the standard vampiric disabilities. Her diet requires blood of males.
This foul-mouthed male vampire has slitted purple eyes that always appear bloodshot. His black hair functions as another limb. He is short and has a boyish build. His orange skin is more like a shark's skin. His finger and toenails can extend into claws. His mouth is filled with sharp teeth. He can turn into a wolf. He doesn't suffer from standard vampiric disabilities. He feeds on human ecstacy.
This dishonest female vampire has slanted cobalt-blue eyes. Her luxurious, straight, black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a flowing stream. She is tall and has a feminine build. Her skin is cream-colored. She can turn into a living shadow. Her diet requires blood of females. She dresses like a thief.
This confident male vampire has slitted green eyes with pupils shaped like crosses. His white hair actually acts as a kind of sensory organ, like a cat's whiskers. He is tall and has a slender build. His skin has an odd green cast to it. He has wings that are strangely spectral. He can raise an army of zombies. If attacked with weapons made of gold, he will go into a coma. His diet requires blood of males.
This mistrustful vampire has droopy orange eyes that are like two glowing embers. He is bald. He has a thin build. His skin is cream-colored. He has prominent cheekbones. He can phase through solid objects. He can detatch his body parts and command them at a distance. He has the standard vampiric disabilities. He dresses like a mystic.
This seductive vampire has beady eyes the color of copper. His brown hair functions as another limb. He is very tall and has an athletic build. His fingernails can elongate into claws. He can phase through solid objects. He has the standard vampiric disabilities. His diet requires blood of females. He dresses like a scholar.
This studious vampire has round orange eyes that are like two chunks of amber. He is bald. He has a boyish build. His red skin is actually a series of bony plates. He can turn into a mist. When exposed to moonlight, he will sicken. His diet is like that of classic vampires. He feeds not through his mouth, but by his skin. His bizarre outfits are usually black.


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