Strange God Generator

Mysterious gods and powerful beings beyound our concepts. This is a generator for gods that are neither familiar nor Lovecraftian horrors.

Inspired by Weird Fiction and the game Cultist Simulator

Your Options:
The Airtooth
The Ark Which Desires
The Assassin-becoming-the-caller
The Aunt Of Foxes
The Blue Aunt
The Chanting Door
The Deaf Codex
The Door Which Is Slain
The Fist-owl
The Grail In The Tooth
The Hunter-of-the-queen
The Lightthroat
The Lord Of Tigers
The Machine Of The Throat
The Pyre In The Fist
The Ravencaller
The Sister Of Hyenas
The Sorcerer-turned-lord
The Tooth-moth
The Wise Gem


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Seventh Sanctum™, the page of random generators.

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