Generates profiles for anime-style robots in a variety of popular themes, which really means
Gundam G type theme names with a theme.
Millitary Style names with numbers and makes.
Super Robot Style names meant to be colorful.
(Mobile Suit Gundam and similar terms are registered of Studio Sunrise and Bandai Entertainment (c) 1997-2005, and are used only for stylistic reference)
Aquatic Maxter Q - This war robot is armed with the Marianas Fighting Spout.
Photo Viking - This robot carries the Photon Water Aura and the Photonic Spear.
"Firey God" Unit - This fighting machine wields the Miraculous Burner. This war machine has a variety of special abilities.
Light Wrestler - This war robot employs the Photonic Fighting Laser and the Many-Handed Photon Punch.
Decieving Snake - This robot uses the Slither Projection and the Tricky Spit. This fighting machine moves swiftly.
Gundam Arachnid - This fighting robot uses the Chemo Venomous Spray and the Web Biochemical Fang.
Ice Gundam - This robot is equipped with the Icy Shining Freeze and the Miraculous Cold Finger.
Gundam Emperor - This mobile fighter is armed with the Conqueror Blessing.
Mirage Jackal - This war machine carries the Clever Confuser and the Pack Sly Rend.
Tortise T-5 - This fighting robot is armed with the Freezing Artillery. This fighting robot generates an aura of cold.
Ninja F-347 - This war machine is equipped with the N-056 Final Bomb.
Zombie B - This mobile fighter uses the Death Curse Type K.
Thundering Dinosaur - This gundam fighter wields the Electric Spike Zap and the Lighting Fang.
"Blessed Spider" Unit - This gundam fighter is armed with the T-67 Arachnid Word and the Heavenly Battery. This mobile fighter fights with multiple appendages and is incredibly powerful.
Heavy Gundam - This fighting robot is equipped with the Heavy Trample. This gundam fighter is extremely well armored and is very enduring.
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