Robot Maker

Generates profiles for anime-style robots in a variety of popular themes, which really means

  • Gundam G type theme names with a theme.
  • Millitary Style names with numbers and makes.
  • Super Robot Style names meant to be colorful.

(Mobile Suit Gundam and similar terms are registered of Studio Sunrise and Bandai Entertainment (c) 1997-2005, and are used only for stylistic reference)

Other generators you may like: Mecha Namer Mecha Team Namer
Your Options:
H-77 Cowboy - This gundam uses the Point Mortar Type E and the H-30 Distracting Howitzer. This machine can perform a variety of feats with ranged weapons and is designed for covert operations.
Horse H-09 - This gundam fighter employs the Sound Projectile.
Devestator Fletcher - This gundam uses the Perfect Shell and the Ranged Heavy Quarrel.
Death Fencer - This fighting robot wields the Warrior's Sentence and the Honor Executing Assault.
Astro Nether - This mobile fighter employs the Galaxy Billowing Launcher.
Photonic Ursus L - This war machine is armed with the Shining Roaring Ray. This fighting machine can deflect laser attacks and is deadly in hand-to-hand combat.
Gundam Shooter - This robot is equipped with the Ranged Bullet. This fighting machine has an incredible targeting system and can perform a variety of feats with ranged weapons.
Gundam Ultra - This machine is armed with the Coffin Artillery and the Rot Barrage Bite.
Gundam Aquatic - This machine wields the Gushing Ramming Wave.
Gundam Luminous - This gundam carries the Luminous Tusked Laser.
Gundam Radioactive - This fighting robot uses the Roaring Blast.
S-621 Princess - This fighting robot wields the M-10 Blast and the L-730 Blaster. This war machine has a variety of special abilities and has a regal bearing.
Thunder Komodo - This gundam fighter is armed with the Gripping Strike. This war robot can generate electrical interference and is well-armored.
Bowman Knight - This war robot is armed with the Ranged Warrior's Shell and the Murasame Targeted Sword.
Noble Gundam - This robot uses the Conqueror Bio Decree. This fighting machine has a regal bearing and is immune to chemical attacts.


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