Martial Arts School Generator

Full descriptions of schools of martial arts.

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The Feared School of the Ancient Soil. This warrior's way is well-known and taught in various schools. This martial technique has a popular reputation for an ancient lineage, and strongly focuses on dietary discipines. This art is known for the "Defense Stance".
The Sky Academy. It is very well-known and taught only in one location. This warrior's way has a reputation for scholarship, and places an additional emphasis on language skills. This martial technique initially teaches beginners the "Defensive Strike" and builds up to the "Defensive Strike".
The Mystic Path of Fighting Rats. This martial art is practacally unknown and taught in schools and informally. This martial path has a well-deserved reputation for sudden anger, and strongly focuses on philosophy. This art is known for the intricate "Mysterious Combat Guard".
The Shadowy School of the Lakes. This martial art is relatively unknown and taught in various schools. This martial path has a well-deserved reputation for hedonism, and places an additional emphasis on stealth. This martial art jealously guards its ultimate technique, the "Mysterious Water Fall".
The Wondrous Academy of the Lights. It is well-known and only taught in specific schools. This martial technique has a well-documented reputation for nobility, and is virtually obsessed with ethics. This warrior's way obsessively guards its ultimate technique, the "Luminous Battle Attack".
The Academy of the Mountain. This martial art is famous and only taught in specific schools. This martial art has a legendary reputation for scholarship, and places an additional emphasis on language skills. This martial art is known for the "Mountain's Battle Hand".
The School of the Seas. This art is relatively unknown and only taught in specific schools. This martial path has a well-documented reputation for scholarship, and focuses on swimming. This martial technique carefully guards its ultimate technique, the "Deep Kick".
The Tracking Panther Way. This martial art is well-known and only taught in specific schools. This martial path has a reputation for philosophy, and focuses on endurance. This martial art carefully guards its ultimate technique, the "Tracking Panther Kick".
The Wondrous School of the One Hundred Hunting Scorpions. This martial art is very well-known and taught in schools and informally. This martial art has a deserved reputation for arrogance, and strongly focuses on precision. This martial path initially teaches beginners the "Seeking Battle Ambush" and builds up to the "Battle Kill".
The Deadly Bear's School. This martial path is very famous and only taught in specific schools. This martial technique has an inaccurate reputation for intellectualism, and places an additional emphasis on tutoring skills. It jealously guards its ultimate technique, the "Defensive Defense Kill".


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