Lost Civilization Generator

CIvilizations long past - why, and what they left behind.

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This alienated arctic republic was noted for its advanced zoology and metallurgy. It was destroyed by a conspiracy because of the people's extreme sloth, leaving behind only currency.
This paranoid expansive empire was noted for its advanced cartography and herbology. It was destroyed by political coruption caused by arrogance, leaving behind only technology and tombs.
This unstable tundra domain was noted for its advanced architecture and art. It was destroyed by economic conflict caused by arrogance, leaving behind only military conquests.
This eccentric arctic imperium was noted for its advanced city-building and herbology. It was destroyed by religious conflict caused by arrogance, leaving behind only political theories and business records.
This generous expansive country was noted for its advanced pottery and business skills. It was destroyed by religious conflict, leaving behind only technology.
This fear-ridden arctic commonwealth was noted for its advanced woodworking. It was destroyed by demons because of the people's extreme sloth, leaving behind only business records.
This patriotic mountain empire was noted for its advanced mechanics. It was destroyed by bizarre experiments caused by arrogance, leaving behind only its language.
This peace-loving woodland imperium was noted for its advanced tactics and canal-building. It was destroyed by an economic downturn, leaving behind only technology.
This artistic swamp republic was noted for its advanced water travel and canal-building. It was destroyed by depletion of natural resources, leaving behind only weapons.
This ruthless island theocracy was noted for its advanced city-building. It was destroyed by gradual social decline caused by greed, leaving behind only recreational buildings.


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