Fantasy Race Generator

Descriptions of fantasy races as complex as you like them, from simple appearance to a complete backstory!

  • For simple physical descriptions, choose 'Description.'
  • Choose 'Detail' to get a cultural snapshots and 'extras' for the race.
  • Choose 'Complete' to get a complete profile of the race and their place in their world.

Other generators you may like: Fantasy Race Name Generator
Your Options:
The colossal race. They are red-haired and have a snake-like hindquarters. The species has 'subspecies' that specialize in different tasks. They are a hermaphroditic race. They avoid all kinds of magic except necromancy. They tend to be mistrusted by others - but no one can say why.
The race of Chimera-people. They take naturally to plains. Their government is a plutocracy. They control a grassland city-state that is the site of a lost civilization.
The diminutive race. They have tentacle-covered mouths. They have bird-like wings on their backs. They avoid all kinds of magic except mind magic. They are very forgiving. Their gods are said to be dead or have fled this world. Their government is a meritocracy that is efficient.
The race of halflings. They are blue-haired and have light-colored eyes. They regrow lost limbs and organs. They take naturally to plains. They have little sense of being a separate species - and integrate well with other races. They worship a patriarchal pantheon of gods and goddesses. The god of time is especially important to them. Most religious observation is personal and intimate. Their government is corrupt. They manage to control a grassland kingdom. They are intimately connected to an important prophecy.
The race of halflings. They have cold-colored eyes. They have an affinity for jungles. They are famous for their messenger system and great monuments. Their government is a democracy.
The race of sentient cheetahs. They change genders as they age. They produce great entertainers and herbologists. They are packrats. Once slaves, they overthrew their masters and rule their realm now.
The race of sentient eels. They produce great martial artists. They are famous for their airships. They are only interested in religion for practical value. They were created as part of a magical experiment that was successful.
The race of intelligent cats. In their culture, every person is expected to be good at martial arts. They are well-known for their canals. Their government is a plutocracy. They exist as nomads.
The race of evolved Dragons. They serve a race of gods excluded from this world. Their government is corrupt. They manage to control a state that is the site of a lost civilization.
The race of humans. They are light-skinned and have light-colored eyes. They are very proper. They are integrated into another culture, but have no land of their own.


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