Elf Name Generator

Generates names for fantasy-style elves, in several styles. 'Full Name' gives you first and last names, 'High Elves' are more Tolkeinesque, and 'Wild Elves' are more tribal/ElfQuest types.

Your Options:
Agsinr Vinehunt
Alapharr Hawksinger
Atalarout Clericcaster
Bibeor Warpaw
Dalidlarl Leaffalcon
Danahaar Pantherfinder
Danlahc Deathcaster
Ehalear Songfall
Gilsasl Wartracker
Hahirhuad Falconmolder
Hanaraon Stingtracker
Haneld Dawnleaf
Ighiog Pawjuggler
Iredehr Stormbreak
Nagneas Stormbreak
Oheghuth Magekiller
Paharloer Songrider
Talreop Brushfinder
Teliraht Leafrod
Uroniab Potiontracer


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Seventh Sanctum™, the page of random generators.

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