
Need a story idea with symbolism? This is the place to come! Plots, stories, and concepts related to all sorts of symbolic possibilites are waiting for you!

Your Options:
The action-packed story about businesspeople where the characters map to the three components of an atom (proton-electon-neutron).
The allegorical spy story where the character evolution maps to the nine days Odin hung from an ash tree.
The crime story where the characters' deaths map to the Eightfold path of Buddhism.
The dramatic story where the cities map to the nine forms of a Chinese Dragon.
The epic story where the spacecraft map to the Seven Virtues (chastity-moderation-liberality-charity-meekness-zeal-humility).
The philosophical high fantasy story where the locations map to the five evils of Sikhism (lust-rage-greed-attachment-ego).
The philosophical story where different styles of martial arts map to the twelve master grades (dan) of judo.
The retro-futuristic story where the major plot twists map to the twelve Olympians of Greecian Legend.
The satirical story where the eras of history map to specific stars.
The satirical story where the space colonies map to the five senses (sight-smell-sound-touch-taste).
The spy story where the locations map to the Seven deadly sins (lust-gluttony-greed-sloth-wrath-envy-pride).
The story about fighter pilots where the main character moods map to the six Biblical days of creation.
The story about magicians where the characters map to the five senses (sight-smell-sound-touch-taste).
The story about starship salespersons where the characters map to the five tastes (sweet-salty-sour-bitter-savory).
The story where different styles of martial arts map to the four letters of the Tetragrammaton.
The story where the animal species map to the Seven Virtues (chastity-moderation-liberality-charity-meekness-zeal-humility).
The story where the kingdoms map to the six primary emotions (sadness-happiness-anger-fear-disgust-surprise).
The story where the major mountains map to the nine circles of hell in the Divine Comedy: Inferno.
The story where the major roadways map to the five evils of Sikhism (lust-rage-greed-attachment-ego).
The swashbuckling story set in an apartment building where each apartment and its residents map to the three primary colors (red-yellow-blue).


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